APOSTLE WILLIAM BROWN, pastor, founder and general overseer of the Salvations Deliverance Churches Worldwide Ministry, was born in Birmingham, Alabama. His formal education includes degrees in business administration and sociology, with doctoral degrees in business management and theology.
Although Apostle William Brown was raised a Roman Catholic, and became successful in corporate America where he served as a Vice President of marketing for a major corporation he was called out by the Lord and in a short period of time he learned and became fully persuaded that God wanted him to serve through Holiness ministry.
Bishop Brown was nominated and inscribed into “Who’s Who in America” in 1985. In 1986, he received the coveted “Ethnic New Yorker Award” from a former Mayor of the New York City, Mr. Edward I. Koch. Bishop Brown, in 1988 was named the one of the “Men of Achievement”, in the 12th edition of the book, Men of Achievement volumes published by the International Biographical Canter of Cambridge, England. The prestigious “Congressional Citation” plaque was awarded to him in 1989, presented by Congressman, the Honorable Charles B. Rangel, chairman of the House Select Committee on Narcotics Abuse and Control.
In a special letter to Bishop Brown, dated March 14, 1989, signed by the former President of the United States George H. W. Bush stated, “In your work as a religious leader, you have helped people, especially the young; draw closer to our Creator ant to one another. You have helped them gain the spiritual strength and peace of mind that are often elusive but always needed in a very challenging world.” The President of the Council of the City of New York, Andrew Stein, in officially proclaiming Thursday, March 23, 1989 as “Bishop William Brown Day in New York City,” stated: “Best known for the old-fashioned, annual Big Gospel Tent Holy Spirit revivals and his “Christ-Not-Crack, Hope-Not-Dope campaigns, Dr. Brown follows in the footsteps of Paul, Martin Luther and John Wesley in preaching the Christian message of love and forgiveness to the unsaved, the sick and the suffering, and his work has inspired or re-awakened the faith of thousands.”
Committed to community development, Bishop William Brown is involved and actively serves as a Board member of the following organizations: the Harlem Churches for Community Improvement (HCCI); the United Afro-American Council of Churches (UAAC); the Harlem Hospital’s Committee on Aide Awareness Initiative Program; the Sunday Morning Newspaper and he is also a long-standing member of the NAACP and the National Urban League. He is also an Executive Board member of the People United to Save Our Children.
Bishop W. Brown was selected to serve as a member of the 1993 Planning Committee on the official visit of
Mr. Nelson Mandela to the United States of America. Mr. Mandela at that time was President of the African National Congress, and is now the elected President of the Republic of South Africa. In response to this service, President Mandela wrote, “But it was not the first time you demonstrably embraced our cause. Over the years, your ministry has refused to accept any religious doctrine that ministers to the soul while the body languishes in apartheid misery. It is for your continued support and assistance in destroying apartheid for which we and the people of South Africa are extremely grateful.”
Apostle William Brown is a man obsessed with the winning of souls for Christ. His single mindedness in this effort made him a target of others whose calling may not have been so sure. Rarely understood and only sometimes tolerated by those who profess to have the same calling of Holiness on their lives, he definitely marches to the beat of a different drummer. He is a man willing to risk everything most of us hold dear; friends, family, loved ones all for the cause of Christ.
There is no greater of higher calling than that which he enjoys, having been appointed an ambassador of heaven, by the Holy Ghost to ask for the interest of heaven here on earth. He continues to exercise the authority granted by the Holy Ghost in calling men, women, boys and girls from sin and darkness into salvation, light, eternal hope and heaven.
His desire for Salvation and Deliverance Church is not based on any man-made ideas of popularity greatness but rather on the premise that the love of Christ in us will draw the unsaved to repentance and Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. His plea is that Christians would keep the unity of the Spirit and resist everything that would pull us apart and separate us from the love of Christ. His prayer is Lord Make Us All One.
Bishop Brown has also recorded two preaching albums and has written several books, namely Cast Them Out, The Just Shall Live By Faith, The Glorified Church and the best seller Lord Make Us All One.